Our Current Work
We have various different workstreams with different partners. Below are some of our current programmes of work.

Focus on post-conflict rehabilitation: (eg Uganda, Africa)
CFAR core team members are currently working with Makerere University, Uganda to adapt the Stepping Stones for Peace and Prosperity programme for use in a post-conflict recovery context, in Gulu, Uganda. The programme was originally developed for use in Karamoja, Uganda, with Tufts University. This programme, funded by the Mind & Life Institute, is focused on reframing masculinities around violence against women (VAW) and violence against girls (VAG), in a post-conflict context where sexual and gender-based violence and small arms proliferation are widespread.

Focus on reduction of violence against women & girls: (eg Timor Leste, South-East Asia):
The CFAR Coordinator and another CFAR colleague have a current Memorandum of Understanding with The Asia Foundation to support their adaptation of Stepping Stones & Stepping Stones Plus to reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG) in Timor Leste. This involved their spending 3 weeks in Timor Leste in early 2020, to run a familiarisation workshop with staff from TAF and MSI to assess its potential suitability for adaptation